Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day two with Nico here

Today we started the day off with breakfast and then to church. Both boys went to their age-respective classes and both said they had a lot of fun. Nico even got to pick something out of the treasure bag for knowing the correct answer to a bible story question, which he forgot what the story was by the time we picked him up.

The boys spent a lot of time today playing the Wii which was a blessing because Tyler had someone other than mommy to play with. They played just about every game we have (except for Resident Evil and Call of Duty - which are completely inappropriate for them and I am not even sure why we have them - they must have come with the Wii which daddy ebayed for?!) We also made a batch of sugar cookies which the boys helped with and even had a chance to decorate the few they were able to eat. Yum!


DNRCruz said...

I can see it now... Nico will be desperate for a Wii by the time he comes home....

Morton Madness said...

I noticed a trend... Tyler is in his PJ's in all these pics :) LOL