Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day four with Nico

We started off Day 4 with a nosebleed for Nico. This was new to me, so I was ready to call 911, but thought I would check with my mom who has nose bleeds all the time to see what I should do. It seems it is not a 911 emergency like I thought...

The boys then decided to have a friendly water balloon contest to see who could get the other the wettest.

Tyler's corner was looking wetter than Nico's, but Nico realized if he aimed for the Tyler's feet - the balloon would pop and get him wet. Tyler did not figure that out and kept throwing them at Nico's waist, they would not pop, and Nico would pick it up and throw it back at Tyler.

Then we were on to the sprinkler volcano...

After Tyler's karate class, the boys started playing with the dinosaurs. They were battling each other, Rescue Heroes, Megablocks... it was pure chaos in the playroom - but they were having so much fun!


Julianne said...

Talk to Carley about nosebleeds. . .Landry has them all the time. I would freak out and call 911 definitely!!

DNRCruz said...

Awe.... poor guy. Poor Jenny too! Thank you for taking good care of him!