Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rangers with the boys

Here we are on our drive to the ballpark - the boys can not believe how big the stadium is - but they are a little distracted by the silver monstrosity right behind also known as JerryWorld!

Here they are in front of the field - taking it all in.

These were our seats and during batting practice - way too many balls came flying in our direction in my opinion. There was no one in front of us to block the ball - I was very afraid for my knees!

It's a bird, it's a plane, no it is a foul ball that is coming our direction - any why am I not ducking? No, instead I am risking my life to take a picture!

Nelson Cruz was near us and was playing a very impressive game - he caught a 'should be home run' right in front of our seats, and then hit the winning home run hit in the 10th inning.

Here are two boys that are tired, sweaty, and ready for bed! They both had fun at their first mahor league baseball experience!

1 comment:

DNRCruz said...

Tyler is such a cutie in pictures - he's so enthusiastic and expressive. :)